Sunday, March 18, 2018

I finished my wall worthy project

          I finished my wall worthy project 

I have Finally finished my wall worthy project the wall worthy competition is this competition where you have to paint a pitcher that represents : ever kaitiakitanga, nature\conversion message , Local iwi or Maori cutler. 
I was in a group, it was Zaila and I.
 Chose a nature\conversion message as our repetition of our painting of our painting. you got to pick a art style for your painting, we chose Impressionism but the other styles are pop art cubism or a negotiated art style. we picked impressionist as our art style because we thought it looked kinda cool with all the blended colors and looked kinda fuzzy which was really cool. you also had to make message that goes with your painting our message was "if people keep hunting \killing animals there will be none in the future"  wed thought  we  pick that as our message because it is showing that you should not kill anymore animals because some might be very rare or even could become extinct which would be sad :(
any wy we hope you liked  our project script and here is a photo of our wall worthy painting ?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the story of your Wall Worthy project with us Ashley, but where's the image? I can't wait to see it and hope you'll post it tomorrow.
    Try to read your writing before you publish won't you. I found this a little difficult to read, but I'm excited about viewing your work. Let me know when it's on your blog.
